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SRT (SubRip)


File extension: .srt


Ability to edit the source file in Nitro: no


Maximum file size: 30 MB

Adding a file for translation

  1. Click the "Choose a file".

  2. Select "Upload from your computer".

  3. Upload the .srt file

Sample file


00:00:00,599 --> 00:00:04,160

This is an example of an <b>.srt<b> file


00:00:04,160 --> 00:00:06,770

You can translate it into {i}over 70{/i} languages ​​in Nitro


00:00:06,770 --> 00:00:10,880

Professional on-demand translation service by trusted native-speaking linguists.

Elements for translation

By default, all text placed after the timecode (e.g. 00:00:06,770 --> 00:00:10,880) is processed from the file as text for translation.

An entry in an .srt file may contain certain HTML tags. Here are the formatting options supported in Nitro:


Bold — <b>...<b> or {b}…{/b}.


Italic — <i>...<i> or {i}…{/i}.


Underline — <u>...<u> or {u}…{/u}.


Font color — <font color="color name or #color_code">…</font>.


You can only upload a valid .srt file for translation.
The file won't be validated in the following cases:

  1. A numeric counter is missing.

  2. A timecode is missing in a string.

  3. There is a start tag without an end tag (or vice versa).

  4. The start and end tags have different entities.

Receiving your finished translation

Once the translation is complete, you'll receive the file back with the same formatting. We will send you an e-mail notification with a link to the file with the translation.

The file also will be accessible in your Nitro account:

  1. Open Nitro.

  2. Go to the Orders page.

  3. The completed order with the translation will be the first item in the Completed table.

Translate your SRT (SubRip)

girl with computer
girl with computer